Friday, September 16, 2011

Beside Every Wealthy Man Is a Clever Woman

Beside Every Wealthy Man Is a Clever Woman: The number one pitfall of a less-moneyed woman working to catch the eye of a wealthy man is overkill. It's tempting to want to showcase your most expensive brand names, best jewelry and newest hairstyles constantly to get that wanted attention. A much more effective method is to imitate the wealthy women this man is accustomed to being around. Rather than being the glitzy showgirl, tone your style down a few notches. As Coco Chanel said, "take one thing off before you leave the house." Edit your style to mimic high-end clothing and accessories Choose neutral colors, clean lines, and simple statement jewelry. Presenting yourself as a polished, confident woman will win every time over coming in as someone struggling to show off every nice thing she owns all at once.

Making an impact Is less chance and more legwork. An effective way to make an impression on a wealthy man is to have your facts straight. Before you ever meet a wealthy man, make sure you've done your homework on him and his lifestyle. Get familiar with his general social circle and the places they frequent. Read restaurant reviews and know a few things about the latest music, theatre, and cultural events going on. Having a little background allows you to effortlessly join conversations while coming across as informed and educated.

When socializing with wealthy men, use your graces to their best impact. A fool proof plan is to always be thoughtful and polite at the outset. As you get to know the man or men in question, work in more personal humor and opinions. Good manners and active listening skill swill get you miles ahead of the competition. Smile, make eye contact, and hold yourself proudly. Gracious behavior sets you apart as a woman worth getting to know.